You Suck My D*ck

Following this bleeding, bloody mess, I snapped off one of the grander epics ever put to this site.

If you’ve got some time, you really should go back and re-live this one. If not, I’ll sum it up briefly:

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As Navyfield is pretty much 9 inches under the ground, I thought this would be a nice time to reflect on the good times – this is less of a blog post and more of a comment request.

What was your favourite memories in Navyfield? What was your favourite controversy?

Mine: The NFAFL AZ Season 1 Final – It went down to the wire, and I was able to kill a CV in the dying seconds to give us enough points to beat NATO. Closely followed by my time in LA at the GNGWC and the UK NFWW Team.

My favourite controversy had to have been when someone was stupid enough to post in the trade function their UK Modded fighters with the credit price as the maximum amount, and the multiple year long vendetta that ensued when they got deleted.

What about you?

A Desperate Plea for Help

On December 18th, I fell ill and was medically sedated for the ensuing week.  Because of this, there are quite a few gaps in my Harbor Assault history and I am unable to proceed with the rankings while these gaps remain unfilled.

Should anybody be able and willing to fill in any of these gaps, I would be most appreciative.  I understand that most readers of this blog have likely moved on from NF, but it is my hope that the web of connections that still have some affiliation with the game might be able to provide the details that are missing.  I would very much like to continue with the rankings, but that project will be on hold as long as I have any uncertainties.

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Six months sans seamen.

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Raconte Moi Une Histoire

In the New York Herald, November 26, year 1911, there is an account of the hanging of three men.

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Universal Server Retardation

The word “stupid” is thrown around a lot these days. Nowhere is it more fittingly applied than to the new universal server rules abomination that was dropped on the community this past weekend.

On Sunday, it was brought to my attention that I had said on Saturday that there wouldn’t be anybody who would come out in favor of the new multiple account rule. Though I don’t recall saying it exactly like that, I can look back on it now and remember for the fifty-ninth time that the stupidity of certain portions of the NF community transcends my understanding; hopefully I will never be so surprised by it again.

Indeed, I have seen no prominent person of worth come forward to cheer this decision. Fine, call me an elitist bastard. While you’re at it, know that I’m right. In order to proceed, some of these scenarios are going to have to be a bit theoretical but they are all legitimate. Here is the infallible case for not restricting players to one account.

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The Indefensible Defense of the Indefensible

Four score and seven IP addresses ago, sovetskysoy brought forth on NavyField what would become the biggest hack in the history of the game.

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Harbor Assault – Year II In Review

And the game we play has survived another year.

We’re in a typically weak part of the calendar, after a long and exhausting holiday event schedule and the natural rush following the release of new content.  This is one of the three times of the year where the grind really is a grind, and motivation must be drawn from a wider array.

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Lies Of The Liar

Dedicated to the young, in whose spirit the search for truth marches on.

In this document lay the worst thing that ever happened to NavyField:

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Glory, Glory, Hallelujah

I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
“As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal”;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on.

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